[GIS] How to identify polylines with multiple end/starting points


I'm looking for a way to programmatically identify polyline features which do not represent a 'simple' line from A to B but instead have several starting and/or end points. These are called complex network edges when working with geometric networks.

Why am I asking this? Because I have a geometric network with a feature class that is defined as only having simple network edges. But it somehow occurred that there are some 'bad' (i.e. complex) edges in there as well and I need to sort them out. Checking if the interface IComplexEdgeFeature is implemented doesn't work on the feature objects because by definition all features within that class are simple edges.

Best Answer

Try finding all polylines where IGeometryCollection.GeometryCount > 1.

I think the example for calculating vertex count could be adapted to do this with the field calculator.

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