QGIS – How to Identify Features from Multiple Layers


I have recently migrated from ArcGIS to QGIS.

Is there any way to identify a feature having multiple layers? I am currently working with about 400 shape files and need to know which is the one I'm currently working on. When I click the polygon I want to identify with the identify tool nothing happens unless I have the layer selected in the layer panel. The same happens with the selection tool.

How can I fix this? In ArcGis I could identify any feature without having it selected on the layer list and I've looked through the settings of QGis and found nothing.

Best Answer

  1. To do selection for all layers, you need to install a plugin called "Multiple Layer Selection"

    Plugins -> Manage and Install Plugins -> search for "Multiple Layer Selection"

Click on the selection icon and you can select across the layers without the need to go to layer panel to select the layer first.

  1. To identify the features without selecting each layer from the panel, do the following:

from the Identify Results panel -> go to Mode located at the bottom of the panel and select Top down, stop at first, as you can see in the image below

enter image description here

You can also test other options to get the mode option that fits your needs.

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