[GIS] How to highlight marker dynamically with leaflet and leaflet draw


I am trying to make a selection via drawing a rectangle (or any shape) with leaflet draw. The selected features should be highlighted. I saw that there are various functions within the leaflet source that could help (contains from Bounds class and _containsPoint from Poly) however I keep getting an error saying that layer does not have this function. I have tried putting the draw layer into a new variable by creating a new L.Polygon object and calling _containsPoint(), but this gives a similar error – saying that the function does not exist for that polygon.

var marker1 = L.marker([51.441767, 5.470247],{
    draggable: true

var someLayerGroup = L.featureGroup();

map.addControl(new L.Control.Draw({
    edit: {
    featureGroup: drawnItems,
        edit: false
    draw: {
        marker: false,
        circlemarker: false,
        polyline: false,
        circle:  false,
        polygon: {
          allowIntersection: false,
          showArea: true

map.on(L.Draw.Event.CREATED, function (event) {
    var layer2 = event.layer;
    var type = event.layerType;
        //do rectangle specific actions
            //set style of the point
            layer.setStyle({fillColor: '#CCCC00'});


Best Answer

There are two problems:

Instead you can use CircleMarkers and instantiate a L.LatLngBounds object with the corners of the drawn rectangle. Then check whether the point is contained in the bounds and change the point's marker style if yes.

var marker1 = L.circleMarker([51.441767, 5.470247],{
  draggable: true


map.on(L.Draw.Event.CREATED, function (event) {
  var layer2 = event.layer;
  var corners = [layer2._latlngs[0],layer2._latlngs[2]]  //retrieve corner of rectangle
  var type = event.layerType;
    //do rectangle specific actions
    if(L.latLngBounds(corners).contains(layer._latlng)){ //call .contains on an L.LatLngBounds object
        //set style of the point
        layer.setStyle({fillColor: '#CCCC00'});          //.setStyle of L.CircleMarker

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ve2huzxw/2116/