[GIS] How to group by attributes and give unique categories in QGIS


I have features and each of them has an attribute about what it is. In my case, I have points representing trees and each tree has its species name as an attribute.

enter image description here

I would like to group them by species name and using numbers from 1 to n as seen on picture and if possible, not by hand because sometimes I have hundreds of species. I was thinking of some kind of expression which includes $rownum and tried a few things but no results. SQL queries also came to mind, but I have limited experience with them and I've never given them a try in QGIS.

I really don't want to export data to a spreadsheet, I would like to solve this in QGIS if possible.

Best Answer

There is an easy way that needs two steps from the db-manager and two tables that can be deleted in the end(there is a way with virtual tables, but i donĀ“t get them to work properly from the db-manager).

  • go to db-manager and then to virtual layers and select your table with the trees; then start the sql-window

  • Enter into the query field: SELECT distinct(species) FROM "your table name"

run it, and save it as a new table (for example temp1) with the button down below

  • now open the same way the query again for your temp1-table and enter:

SELECT species,

rowid AS number from temp1

run it and save it as temp2

  • now you can join your table temp2 to your species-table by using the column species (via the joins function from your layer-preferences); Qgis does create a 1:n join and therefore the numbers are copied for each species

  • use the field calculator to add the numbers to your species table, then you can delete the temp1 and temp2

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