[GIS] How to get WFS GetCapabilities information as JSON

file formatsgeoservergetcapabilitiesopenlayerswfs

I can get a WMS GetCapabilities response via AJAX call and I can convert response to JSON using ol.format.WMSCapabilities tool.

But I need to make a WFS GetCapabilities query via a AJAX request and get a JSON result.

How can I do it?

My GetCapabilities operation metadata is like this:

enter image description here

Best Answer

For versions of the WFS interface standard prior to version 2.0, the only format supported as a response was XML.

From WFS version 2.0 whilst a WFS GetCapabilites defaults to XML a request can now include an AcceptFormats parameter which must include the "text/xml" value, but may include other vendor specified formats.

So you could make a request like:


If the server supports WFS 2.0 it will give you a JSON response if it supports it as a GetCapabilites response format, otherwise it will give you XML. If the server is not WFS 2.0 it will ignore the AcceptFormats parameter and give you XML.