[GIS] How to get rid of double labels on ArcGIS 10


I'm displaying several point shapefiles. I want them all labeled with the field "ident" which is a 3 digit number starting at 001. Two of the three shapefiles show the labels correctly but the 3rd one shows a double label for each point. Instead of just saying "027" it says "027027". In the Layer properties window, I tried unchecking the box that says "Label features in this layer" but this removes the labels completely, then when I recheck "Label features" in the menu that comes when I right click the layer in the table of contents, the double layers re-appear.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


Best Answer

Have you confirmed that there are not stacked points located in the third layer? If you have 2 points that are exactly in the same location and then default label them (both), you will end up with 2 labels that are labeled in the upper left and upper right, but looks like the text is being duplicated from one label point.

In the example below, you can see that 2020 & 2023 are single points and single labels. 2011 & 5367 are 2 points stacked perfectly on top of each other and therefore give the look that you describe. 2008 & 5355 shows a good example of "nearly stacked" points and labels that, if you zoomed out far enough, would eventually look like they were "stacked" and would eventually give you the "double label" effect.

To fix this, you would either need to eliminate the stacked points, or you could play with "Buffer" setting on the "Conflict Detection" tab of the label "Placement Properties" (this works is 9.3, not sure if the 10 dialog is the same).

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