[GIS] How to get JAI + JBoss 7.1.1 + Geoserver 2.3.0 to work


I'm trying to use JBoss 7.1.1 instead Tomcat.

My configuration:

Problem: After following the documents, both JAI and JAI ImageIO are not show as true in "server state" panel (Has Geoserver not found them?).

I did the same steps like in Tomcat, but I'm a total noob with Jboss. I think that JBoss does not search in CLASSPATH for JAI extension, and it need to include JAI like a JBoss "module", but I couldnot find any information about that.

Any ideas?

UPDATE: I have included the jar files, from the JAI installation file, in the WAR file, inside the path "/WEB-INF/lib", and now shown this in the panel:
enter image description here

UPDATE 2: I put the .so (from JAI packages) in "/usr/lib", no luck. My co-worker is compiling Geoserver, in Eclipse, to see if we see happening in Jboss while loading the JAI. We hope to find a solution (I will share it here).

UPDATE 3: It's a problem in Jboss configuration. We will write down the solution as soon as possible.

Best Answer

I have the same problem, I have tried importing the geoserver code as an eclipse project and then deploying it to a JBoss instance and in that case JAI libraries are loaded without any problem. That is because eclipse launch their own paths to load that libraries, so if you want JBoss to be capable of loading these libraries you have to:

  1. Copy your .so or .dll in the path $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386 or $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/amd64

  2. Make a new JBoss modules for the libraries: $JBOSS_HOME/modules/com/sun/media/jai/ $JBOSS_HOME/modules/com/sun/media/jai/imageio/

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