[GIS] How to get information about layers using Arcpy


I have this layer structure in ArcMap:

enter image description here

"Localities, Gazeteers, Bases, Regions, and Territorial Claims are all Group Layers. All others under these are layers. I have a script that uses the Arcpy Describe method to go under each layer and get its full directory path. Here is the script:

import arcpy
for dataframe in dataframes:
    for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "", dataframe):
        if not lyr.isGroupLayer:    

This would return something like: C:/Folder/Subfolder/layer.shp
Now, I am trying to figure out a way to get the path of each layer relative to the map. For example, for layer "features_multipoint", I need the script to report something like this:


The Describe method seems to not provide such capabilities.

Best Answer

Try lyr.longName

longName (Read Only)

This property is valuable when trying to determine whether a layer belongs to a group layer. If a layer does not belong to a group layer, the long name will equal the layer name. If a layer does belong to a group layer, the group layer structure will be included in the long name. For example, the name of a layer nested inside a group layer within another group layer may look something like Group1\Group2\LayerName. All layer types support this property.