[GIS] How to get Google Fusion Tables to work in QGIS


I am using GDAL/OGR 1.10 and QGIS 2.0.1.

I am trying to load a google fusion table into QGIS using the method mentioned in this blog post. The only difference is that I am not declaring a email and password but using the OAuth refresh token I have generated. My VRT code is shown below.

    <OGRVRTLayer name="ps">
       <SrcDataSource>GFT:refresh=<MY_VERY_LONG_TOKEN_IN_HERE> tables=1kQSkw-2cM_PU_jnu_T_PIksBkbyXm1feYaIooq8</SrcDataSource>

But if I then add this layer to QGIS I get an OGR error that said "OGR[3] error 1: HTTP error code : 400", followed by another "OGR[3] error 1: Fetching OAuth2 access code from auth code failed."

I thought that this would have worked because via the commandline I can use OGR to open the data source as shown in the image below.

enter image description here

I have also tried structuring my VRT layer like in the blog post also with no luck. I'm a bit stuck on how to make this work. Any suggestions?


Best Answer

While I can't test it, your VRT is different to that specified here: http://www.webrian.ch/2011/09/google-fusion-tables-in-qgis.html

Try this:

    <OGRVRTLayer name="ps">
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