[GIS] How to get an area Latlong geometry directly from google map

coordinate systemgoogle earthgoogle mapslatitude longitudespatial-database

I am new to field of GIS.

I need to know that do we have an option of getting latlong of a building that we see in google earth or any Point of Interest areas.

Something like i create & drag over an area or road(on google map or google earth) and its respective geometrical shape(with Latlong information) gets saved in database or gets popped up.

Is there any tool which does that?

I believe this is what GIS Data Vendors use to create their data.

How can i get geometries of a buildings in a locality boundary or district boundary in few minutes,is it possible?

Best Answer

Using Google Earth Pro (this is free now)

Use the Measure Tool (ruler)

Draw around your rooftop building as polygon

save -> Polygon Measure goes to the 'Temporary Places' in the Left Table

Right Click 'copy' (Ctrl + V)

Using Notepad++
Paste as XML
Coordinates are found in Polygon Tag as LinearRing Coordinates

enter image description here