[GIS] How to get a signal when the geometry to a line in QGIS is changed


I am working on a plugin in QGIS and want to get a signal when the geometry to a feature(in this case a polyline) in my layer is changed. For example if I use the node tool to drag one of the nodes.

In the qgis-api-documantion(http://qgis.osgeo.org/api/classQgsVectorLayer.html) i see that the line:
void geometryChanged (QgsFeatureId fid, QgsGeometry &geom) is listed under signals.

So I used this command:
QObject.connect(self.iface.activeLayer(),SIGNAL("geometryChanged(QgsFeatureId, QgsGeometry)"),self.changedGeometry)

I have a method called changedGeometry:

def changedGeometry(self, intValue, qgsGeom):
    QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(),"Message", "Changed geometry. intValue: " + str(intValue) + "qgsGeom: " + str(qgsGeom))

When executed I get this error:

TypeError: C++ type 'QgsFeatureId' is not supported as a slot argument type

I have also tried QObject.connect(self.iface.activeLayer(),SIGNAL("geometryChanged(int, QgsGeometry)"),self.changedGeometry).

Then the program do not crash, but I don't get the message about changed geometry

I am using QGIS version 1.8.0-Lisboa. Compiled against Qt 4.7.1 and these

import statements are in the top:                                                             
from PyQt4.QtCore import *    
from PyQt4.QtGui import *   
from qgis.core import *   
from qgis.gui import *

I tried using qint64 instead QgsFeatureId, but it still don't work.


I also tried using the new style of connecting signals and slots.
But it gave me this error message:

TypeError: connect() failed between geometryChanged(qint64,QgsGeometry) and unislot()

Best Answer

Ok. That was a bug in the SIP bindings. Fixed in commit:32978fb4. Apparently the names of the signals have to match in python and C++ - so qint64 doesn't work as expected.

In Windows there are still some issues, though. See bug #6573