[GIS] How to get a Multipolygon object from Overpass QL


I'm new to OSM/Overpass QL and there's a simple problem that I can't solve. I've been able to figure out the a query that will return the maritime boundary of a country. For example:

(rel[boundary="administrative"][name="Puerto Rico"][admin_level="4"];>;);way(r);(._;>;);out;

This returns the boundary as a set of ways. Using overpy I've been able to get the returned ways and display them using shapely/matplotlib, and I'm confident they have the data I need.

What I can't figure out is how can I reliably convert the returned set of ways to a MultiPolygon object, ideally a shapely.geometry.MyltiPolygon.

The above query is only an example that produces a fairly simple set of ways, but there are other queries that return much more complex results, such as

(rel[boundary="administrative"]["name:en"="French Polynesia"][admin_level="3"];>;);way(r);(._;>;);out;

I understand that Overpass doesn't handle (multi)polygons, but I assume there must be a simple way to achieve this using python/GeoPandas.shapely. I've tried some manual approaches, but they are error-prone and I'd be extremely surprised if there are no implemented librariessolutions to achieve this. Any ideas?

Best Answer

I was able to solve my problem using the function ways2poly function I wrote in this gist.

I also added code to run the Overpass queries (using overpy), in case anyone needs it.

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