[GIS] How to get a bbox selection of huge shapefile as GeoJSON


I have a 4.29 GB Shapefile from which I want to extract features as GeoJSON, defined by a bounding box.

This should be as fast as possible, because I want to use it in a web application.

My first attempt at this was to convert to SQL using shp2psql and import it into PostGIS. I created a spatial index (gist) and did a full ANALYZE VACUUM on the table. The VM has 4 GB of memory.

The following query works, but took 623 seconds(!):

    ST_AsGeoJSON(geom)AS geometry,
    geom && ST_GeogFromText(
        'POLYGON((5.117705762386322 52.09243663877818,5.118895322084427 52.09243663877818,5.118895322084427 52.09314276719956,5.117705762386322 52.09314276719956,5.117705762386322 52.09243663877818))'
AND ST_Intersects(
        'POLYGON((5.117705762386322 52.09243663877818,5.118895322084427 52.09243663877818,5.118895322084427 52.09314276719956,5.117705762386322 52.09314276719956,5.117705762386322 52.09243663877818))'

An equivalent using ST_DWithin took even longer.

I decided to try an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL 9.3.1 instance with 68 GB of memory and 26 CPU's. Query time dropped to around 30 seconds. Faster but still not fast enough.

Preprocessing will take forever, even on Amazon RDS. And it will cost a lot of money.

I also tried Fiona and 'ogr2ogr -spat', but they're about as slow as PostGIS.

What other options exist for quickly getting GeoJSON out of a large Shapefile for a certain spatial extent?


Best Answer

Since you will go for it, I would like to suggest you some links that may give you some guidance to do it so, here they are:

Definitely you need to adapt them to your needs, but I think it is good to have these links at hand for more people having the same issue you have.

Hope this helps,