[GIS] How to geocode location using twittersearch for leaflet map of tweets


I'm using twittersearch to iterate over user input topics and location of interest that will then be visualized in a leaflet map. So using 'place' I can get a map, no problem. I'm trying to increase my odds of getting points by using 'location' in another for loop. Do I need to geocode the location data, if so what am I missing?

Geocode piece..

from geopy import geocoders

def geo(location):
    g = geocoders.Nominatim()
    loc = g.geocode(location)
    return loc.latitude, loc.longitude

original 'place' piece that produces results..

for tweet in ts.search_tweets_iterable(tso):
    tweetText = ( '@%s tweeted: %s' % ( tweet['user']['screen_name'], tweet['text'] ) ).encode("ascii", "ignore")
    print tweetText
    if tweet['place'] is not None:
        (lat, lng) = geo(tweet['place']['full_name'])
        tw = tweet['text']
        user= tweet['user']['screen_name']
        #map has markers placed at the location of the tweet, the pop up text is the contenet of the the tweet and the poster/user
        #this is in the form of username said tweet content
        folium.Marker([lat, lng], popup= user + " said " + tw,icon=folium.Icon(color='red',icon='info-sign')).add_to(mapLeafletPython)
        print( '@%s tweeted: %s' % (user, tw) + 'And they said it from (' + str(lat) +', ' +str(lng)+')').encode("ascii", "ignore")

this is the location piece that produces this error…AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'latitude'
which occurs on the (lat1, lng1) line.

for tweet in ts.search_tweets_iterable(tso):
    tweetText = ( '@%s tweeted: %s' % ( tweet['user']['screen_name'], tweet['text'] ) ).encode("ascii", "ignore")
    if tweet['user'] is not None:
        (lat1, lng1) = geo(tweet['user']['location'])
        tw = tweet['text']
        user= tweet['user']['screen_name']
        #map has markers placed at the location of the tweet, the pop up text is the contenet of the the tweet and the poster/user
        #this is in the form of username said tweet content
        folium.Marker([lat1, lng1], popup= user + " said " + tw,icon=folium.Icon(color='blue',icon='info-sign')).add_to(mapLeafletPython)
        print( '@%s tweeted: %s' % (user, tw) + 'And they said it from (' + str(lat) +', ' +str(lng)+')').encode("ascii", "ignore")

"tweetSearchUser" is the input from user as well as "where"

last piece that I think you need for testing besides variable ts which is the token..

tso = TwitterSearchOrder() # create a TwitterSearchOrder object
tso.set_keywords([tweetSearchUser]) # let's define all words we would like to have a look for
#tso.set_count(200) #limit return records to a number
tso.set_include_entities(False) # and don't give us all those entity information

Using this as a reference for twitter api and json format



I'm baffled here…

Updated with error…

Best Answer

The geopy geocoder will return a None object if a location can't be geocoded. For example:

>>> g = geocoders.Nominatim()
>>> loc = g.geocode("This place doesn't exist")
>>> type(loc)

You'll need to take a look at the locations coming in from the user location, and probably through a try...except block around getting those results.

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