qgis – How to Generate Heatmaps with QGIS 1.9 Plugin Automatically

heat mapqgis

I created a few heatmaps with the new plugin in QGIS 1.9, but now I would like to generate a lot of them automatically. How should I do?

I created a few of them by hand, but I should first import the data, select the CRS, then select the plugin, select the imported data and the parameters for the heatmap (and pick again the CRS). It takes quite long as soon as you want more than a few heatmaps.

I have 300'000 data in one day. I separate them in groups of 15 minutes, and I would like to visualize the heatmap for all groups of 15 minutes (~64), in order to observe the evolution in time.

I'm interested in either:

  • a way to make it in QGIS automatically, or
  • a way to do it in another software, that would be more adapted for this purpose.

Best Answer

The Heatmap is a plugin in the QuantumGIS application and thus doesn't have any API bindings. Hence I am afraid, there would be no way you could generate it through the command line. If your requirement is simply visualization without any spatial analysis, then kindly take a look at https://github.com/sethoscope/heatmap This is the parent project upon which the plugin was created.

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