[GIS] How to from convert from street level address to block/block group/census track


I just downloaded block-level census data, using this answer Where to get 2010 Census Block data?

It output a spreadsheet with a bunch of rows of the format

GEO.id                   | GEO.id2    | Geo.display-label
1000000US22071000100100  | 2.2071E+14 | Block 1002, Block Group 1, Census Tract 1, Orleans Parish, Louisiana

I want to convert "Block 1002, Block Group 1, Census Tract 1" to something like 700 Block of Jefferson St. Etc.

How do I convert these "addresses" into street addresses or longitudes/latitudes?


I can go individually from street address to census block using the advanced search on American Fact Finder, but I am looking for a way to do a batch conversion.

The FCC has an API that will do block conversions from lat/longitude to blocks: http://www.fcc.gov/developers/census-block-conversions-api

Best Answer

If these are polygons, you can use the feature to point tool in ArcGIS. Then use calculate geometry within the attribute table to create X and Y tables.


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