[GIS] How to Force the Showing of Labels of a Vector File in QGIS


I imported some OSM data. I then label the lines (roads) with their "name" field using the new label layering settings dialog box. When I zoom to different scale levels I find that while all the lines remain, some of the labels appear / disappear. In any particular zoom level if I adjust the size of the text of the labels, more or less labels show (i.e. when I make the text larger less labels show and when I make the text smaller more labels show). While in general this is good because it creates less clutter and keeps labels from overlapping, etc. there are times when I want to see some of these labels and I can't unless I adjust the text size or zoom in further. I also can't find any control over this either.

So, I guess I am wondering if there is a way to force all the labels to show no matter what my text size or scale is. Another option would be a way to turn on a particular label that I wanted. In fact the latter option would be best.

Thanks in advance for any help with this.

Best Answer

An updated way to do this (at least in 2.6.0 Brighton) is to:

Go to Layer Properties>Labels>Rendering and check the box that says "Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels)"