[GIS] How to fix link between layer and shapefile in ArcGIS 10


Does anybody know how to fix a link between shapefile and layer file in ArcGIS 10?

Every time I add layer file, there is a small exclamation mark next to icon and I have to define a source (path to a relevant shapefile).

Therefore, I was wondering if there is a way for ArcGIS to remember that, so I don't have to do it every time I add that layer file?

Best Answer

Right click on the layer in table of contents.
Select data> repair data source.
Then save the layer file again. There could be issues with either your MXD location, or you relative/actual path setting.
I use the relative path method but ALWAYS keep my MXD in a folder directly under the data.

always keep the mxd file in the folder together

Not exactly (but I have hundreds of long life documents (mxd)). I use the relative depicted in the link except that my mxd folder is "in-line" with my data folder.
"Maps" being where my mxd files are.
The bottome portion of the image is not what I do either.
I use a region/project folder structure , and then split out my data types inside the project.
With basemaps being at the root data level.
That is just what works for me. I can come back to documents years later, if the data has been moved I can still repair and it will repair "all" data in the document easily.
The point of the relative and absolute options are that each user can use it differently.
As-per their needs.

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