[GIS] How to fix incorrect coordinate data for the mouse’s position


I am running Quantum GIS 1.8.0 on a 64-bit Windows platform. I've imported a data set that plots correctly when overlaid with a Google Satellite map, so I know that the layer/project CRS is okay (since my points are being projected correctly). The issue is that when I hover my cursor over any point on the map, the reported coordinates are entirely different from the coordinates used for plotting the points. How do I fix this or where can I get information on how to resolve this? I've checked the QGIS bug repository, searched this forum, and reviewed the User Guide.


plotted point:

map coordinates at mouse cursor position (same point as above):


Best Answer

The coordinates reported on the bottom of the QGIS window are reported in the project CRS. That would be Web Mercator if you have OpenLayers loaded.

I guess you are expecting WGS84 (GPS) coordinates? You can use the coordinate capture plugin to get WGS84 coordinates independent of the project CRS.