ArcGIS Nearest Point – Finding Nearest Point for Each Point in Layer


I have a point layer and want to know the distance of nearest point of current layer for each point in the layer.

I found some tools in ArcToolbox about it , but they need two layers for input and they can find the distance of nearest object between that two layers. I tried to use them and i added my point layer in that tools ( Same layer for both inputs ) but they couldn't work properly because they found same point in second layer and gave me zero distance for every points.

How can i find distance of nearest point for each point in my layer ? It is better for me to find an answer in ArcToolbox . Something such as Tools or Models.

Best Answer

Thanks, but not Near_DIST is 0. Search Radius (optional) is must be different "0".

For exp 1 m (in 1 m diameter cicle along nearest-closest points

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