[GIS] How to find intersection points between two circles


We have two points (centers of two circles) and their radius in meters, those radius make the circle. We need to find intersection points. For example we have  lat1 = 55.685025, lng1 = 21.118995, r1 = 150 and lat2 = 55.682393, lng2 = 21.121387, r2 = 250. Below you can find our current formula:

// Find a and h.
$a = ($circle_1_r * $circle_1_r - $circle_2_r * $circle_2_r + $distance * $distance) / (2 * $distance);
$h = sqrt($circle_1_r * $circle_1_r - $a * $a);

// Find P2.
$circle_3_x = $circle_1_x + $a * ($circle_2_x - $circle_1_x) / $distance;
$circle_3_y = $circle_1_y + $a * ($circle_2_y - $circle_1_y) / $distance;

// Get the points P3.
$intersection_1 = $this->newLatLngPoint(
    ($circle_3_x + $h * ($circle_2_y - $circle_1_y) / $distance),
    ($circle_3_y - $h * ($circle_2_x - $circle_1_x) / $distance)

$intersection_2 = $this->newLatLngPoint(
    ($circle_3_x - $h * ($circle_2_y - $circle_1_y) / $distance),
    ($circle_3_y + $h * ($circle_2_x - $circle_1_x) / $distance)

We find such intersection points (yellow markers), however those locations doesn't match in real world.

enter image description here

Someone, can help to find where the problem is and how to sort it ?

Does the altitude (Height above mean sea level) affect the final result? I don't use it but may be should?

Best Answer

First of all, because the radius is expressed in meters, you need to convert/transform your data in a projected coordinate system. For instance, if lat and lon are geographic coordinates in WGS84, you could use the UTM WGS84 ...something. Then, I would use this solution: https://math.stackexchange.com/a/256123

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