[GIS] How to find elevation of multiple points on a map on ArcGIS 9.3


I am working on the sewerage system of a city. I have the x and y coordinates of the station locations stored in EXEL format.
How can I use this data/file to extract the elevations of the stations ?
please help on this regard. Thanks.

Ps : there are almost 2000 of such station locations so its not possible to
find location manually.

Best Answer

Assuming that you have ArcGIS 9.3 with the Spatial Analyst Extention.

  • Add your data, trough add data button. Both the DEM and the Excel sheet.
  • In the source tab, right click over your table data (from your excel), and choose Display XY Data;

enter image description here

  • In the Display XY Data choose your X and Y Fields, and press OK. At this point, you should be seeing your XY data on the map canvas.
  • In the Toolbox, choose Spatial Analyst tools > Extraction > Extract Values to Point

enter image description here

  • In the "Input point features" choose therecently created Point Layer, and in the "Input Raster" your DEM;

  • The final result will be what you asked, a Point Layer with the Raster Values.

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