[GIS] How to filter in the attribute table within an attribute name


I have to create a map with the corridor information in it (in German: Flurstücke). For that, I have one shapefile with the lines and another shapefile (points) with the information about the corridor numbers (and a lot more information). Now I would like to filter the the point-shapefile and delete all the points that don't have the corridor number or land use. Is it possible to filter the attribute table within an attribute name (for example within the attribute name Layer)? To be clear, I want to delete everything that doesn’t have information about the corridor number or the land use. How would be the formula for that?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Open the Attribute Table, at the bottom there is a button that says "Show All Features". Click this and select "Advanced Filter (Expression)" and use an expression like "Layer" IS NULL OR "Layer" = 0. This should now only show features with doesn't have a value for the "Layer" field.

Now you can edit and delete features by selecting the relevant buttons in the Attribute Table (clicking the area in the red circle selects all features; click the icon in the blue circle to delete):

Attribute table

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