QGIS – How to Automatically Fill Empty Space in QGIS 2.16.3


Is it possible to fill empty space inside of polygon?
I have problem, a clever boy drilled my polygons with road polygon,and I want to fill up polygons again, but how? I cannot merge every single polygon by hand, it would be too much. Different color means different polygon with attribute data.Thanks
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Best Answer

I have no data, but here is the solution to your problem: 1) Create an external boundary polygon that covers all your data and cut it with your original polygons - the result is your road type - polygon; 2) Polygons to points, then pass polygon attributes to road lines, and from lines with the same attributes, create roads to subpoles; 3) Dissolve the sub-polygons of the road by attributes, i.e. if the sub-polygon concerns polygons whose id is the same, then such polygons combined...