[GIS] How to extract mountain peak points from a given digital elevation model


For past couple of days, i m trying to determine how many mountain peaks are visible (line of sight) from a given location using POSTGIS.

The data i have is DEM for Swiss and address locations from Swiss which are stored in a table in postgis database. I downloaded the mountain peak points from OSM(Open street Map), and then wrote a function in postgis to find if the peak is visible from a given address location using address data from the table, elevation raster(imported in the postgis db), and mountain peak data imported from OSM to POSTGIS…

The Funtion is giving me output but the quality of the results are very poor as OSM mountain peaks are not proper and are not aligned to the mountain peak points in the elevation raster(problem with OSM data Quality). projections are matching of both the layers.. so now to solve this problem i need to get the exact mountain peaks.
So i was just wondering if i can extract mountain peaks from elevation raster. with it co-ordinates n elevation.. which i can then used to calculate Line of sight…

can anyone here please help me?? i m not sure if this is possible

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

There's a really good academic GIS paper on this topic:

Chaudhry, O. Z., & Mackaness, W. A. (2008). Creating Mountains out of Mole Hills: Automatic Identification of Hills and Ranges Using Morphometric Analysis. Transactions in GIS, 12(5), 567–589. https://era.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1842/2385/Appendix%20V.pdf?isAllowed=y&sequence=1