[GIS] How to extract and save polygons by attribute in QGIS


I have a shapefile layer from a vegetation mapping project with 417 polygons that represent 21 different vegetation classes. These are stored in a single column called 'type'.

I want to break the shp file down into each different vegetation class, so that I end up with 21 shp layers, one for each class.

How can I do this efficiently in QGIS? Bear in mind that I have no experience in Python or in SQL.

I have added a screenshot of the shapefile (from MapInfo, but I want to use QGIS for the disaggregation).

Forest types, currently all on one layer

Best Answer

Under the menu called Vector, and in the category called Data Management Tools, you will find "Split Vector Layer". In the dialog that opens, just choose the column with your attribute for the unique ID.

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