[GIS] How to export from ArcMap to tab-delimited text file, while preserving formatting and values


I'm working with a complicated fGDB featureclass which contains hundreds of fields, in a variety of text and numerical formats. This is proving difficult to export into tab-delimited text file format.

The problem

After opening the table in ArcMap:

  • Export to DBF results in the numbers being handled correctly, but the field names being truncated after 8 characters
  • Export to Text results in the numbers being placed in quotations with commas separating the thousands (eg "5,181,613") and commas (not tabs) separating the values. This makes it difficult to replace the commas with tabs

My current workaround

  • export the table to DBF in ArcMap
  • export it again to CSV
  • edit the CSV file and remove the values, retaining just the headers
  • replace the commas in the headers with tabs
  • open the DBF file in Excel
  • export from Excel to a new tab-delimited text file (which has truncated headers)
  • copy/paste the headers from the edited headers file

Please tell me there's an easier way!

Best Answer

Directly export to Excel file using the Table To Excel (Conversion) tool. No field name truncation and no formatting issue with numbers:

Table To Excel (Conversion)

Then you can easily export to a correct csv(txt) file from excel

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