[GIS] How to enter quadrant bearings into Copan map check


I am attempting to convert, to a 360 degree basis, the normal bearings in a survey. The following are the original survey bearings (2nd column) and on the right (4th column) is the 360 basis amount I obtain, which will be entered in Copan map checking. The 3rd column is my interpretation of what I think the survey bearing should be.

2 S 05°52'13" E S 05°52'13" E 174.0147
3 N 84°41'49" E S 84°41'49" W 264.4149
4 N 07°36'50" W N 07°36'50" W 352.2310
5 S 50°17'08" E N 50°17'08" W 309.4242
6 N 37°13'00" E N 37°13'00" E 37.13
7 N 52°47'00" W S 52°47'00" E 127.1300
1 S 83°07'18" W N 83°07'18" E 83.0718

The survey plat, with original bearings, is shown under my previous question regarding Map Check file format.

Best Answer

The '360 degree basis' is known as azimuth, or clockwise/east degrees from north. The 'normal bearings' are known as quadrant bearings or degrees east/west of north/south. This page I found on a quick search graphically depicts the two.

Survey bearings are given in a direction, but the line can be read in two directions by reversing both cardinals. The key in working a traverse is that you must start at one point and wind up back at that same point, and on a plat like your image lines aren't labeled both ways. You must pick a point and then flip the bearing as needed to work your way around. It appears you understand this.

To answer your title question, the Copan software you are using has a program setting where you can switch expected input between the two. It is referenced on the bearing expression page of the user manual. You can manually convert if you like (checking your math above in part requires checking your bearing directions and we would need to know the parcel you are specifically looking at an your point of beginning), but I would recommend changing the program setting so you can just input the data in the format you have.

Actually, according to the program setting page it looks like you can use either form for input regardless of the setting. If I've got the syntax from the expression page right, your call 2 above would be S 5.5213 E - no need to convert to azimuth to input it.