FME Form – How to Efficiently Change All Source and Output Files in an FME Workspace


I have a large FME workspace with 5 readers, each of which are reading in many files, going through several transformers, and then writing out several resulting files.

Now I need to do the exact same process for a different set of files (a different geographic area). Everything in the workspace will be the same except for the names of read and written files.

FME seems not to allow the changing of a reader path (the read fails for me during execution), and does allow changing the path of the written file – although this gets cumbersome.

Rather than deleting all readers and redirecting all the writers with a bunch of mouse clicking, there must be a more elegant approach?

Best Answer

FME has a great functionality called Dynamic Schema. It allows you to use the same workspace on different data when you might not know the schema of the source files. You can implement dynamic readers as well as writers.

Here's an example from FME 2011 of how to implement Dynamic Schema.