[GIS] How to edit geometry of multiple layers simultaneously in QGIS 3


I have several line layers (route, pipes, cables) that share the same geometry and would like to edit them simultaneously.

Is there a way to easily snap the geometry of the pipes and cables layers to the route layer so that I can simply change the geometry of the route layer and don't have to repeat all changes on the other two layers as well?

To clarify, I plan a fibreglass route and have three layers. The first one describes the route that I have to take to pass all homes that have to be connected. The second one contains the pipes in which the cables lie and the third layer is the cable layer. So all features on those layers have to have the same geometry. Once I change the pathway of the route layer, I have to apply the same changes to the other two layers to ensure that they are still aligned with the route layer.
I'm not sure whether I understand your comments correctly, but I use the basic editing tools in QGIS 3.

Best Answer

(QGIS 3.4.1) Make sure all layers you want to edit have editing toggled on.

all layers editable

Using the vertex tool in the digitizing toolbar, ensuring the option for 'All layers' is selected from the dropdown next to the tool.

vertex tool all layers

Select nodes by dragging a box round it (rather than clicking it directly). They should turn blue.

enter image description here

Then click on a blue node to pick it up and move it. The selected vertices from all other editable layers will be moved relative to the one you picked up.

enter image description here

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