[GIS] How to draw bar diagrams on the map


I need to draw simple histograms in QGIS version 1.8 linked to data from an imported DB.

I need a double bar diagrams (eg: male/female – in/out) but I only find the possibility to set pie charts. Is it possible to draw histograms with high proportional to the value?

Best Answer

QGIS 1.8

In QGIS 1.8 this type of diagrams is only provided by the "diagram overlay plugin" (See Plugins => Manage Plugins). Once enabled you have in the vector layer properties a new Tab "Overlay" which offers "Bar Chart" in the dropdown.

enter image description here

QGIS 1.9 / 2.0

With QGIS master (soon to be 2.0) it is possible to draw piecharts, histograms and text diagrams with the builtin diagram engine (the diagram overlay plugin has been removed, as it is superseded by this) In the vector layer properties => Diagrams you can choose "histogram" as type.

Unfortunately, with neither of these it is possible to draw "double" bar diagrams.

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