[GIS] How to download MOD16 (Modis Evapotranspiration) image

modisqgisrremote sensing

I use a 'R' script for downloading MODIS imageries. However, it doesn't give MOD16 product. I could neither find the MOD16 product in earthexplorer website. Though the desired product is available at http://www.ntsg.umt.edu/project/mod16#data-product but I could not find any script to download.

Is there any script available for it? or I need to click each image for download.

For example, if I want to download "h02v08" image from each and every month of the year, how to do it?

Best Answer

The project website hosts the MOD16 dataset on an FTP server.

As FTPs allow directory listings you can easily download complete folders without having to click individual links. This can be done with most FTP clients - a popular one would be FileZilla. Just right click the folder you want and select download.

edit: The question now specifies that only one MODIS granule is required. There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. Using the command line: Get a directory listing of all the files on the ftp, i.e. on linux with ncftpls -R, grep for the desired granule and download via curl/wget.

  2. The easier way would be to use a dedicated ftp tool, search for the granule and download all files with it. @AndreJ already showed how to do this with fireFTP. The screenshot shows how you would do it in FileZilla.

enter image description here

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