[GIS] How to download a layer from a website map based on the google themaps

google mapskml

On this website https://www.magticom.ge/en/useful-info/offices you see a map with a layers (4.5G, 4G, 3G and 2G) that are uploaded in Google Mymaps, I asked the company if they can give these layers but operators have no idea about that. Now I have to find other ways to get the layers for my GIS. Is there any possibility?

Best Answer

Ok, some quick hacking and I found they are just georeferenced KML images.

The KML file has bounding coordinates and calls the png image.

https://www.magticom.ge/services/coverage/3g.kml https://www.magticom.ge/services/coverage/3g.png

I would expect to see 2g, 3g, and 4.5g KML and PNG images from similar urls.