[GIS] How to do stereographic projection conversion (w.r.t. changing point of projection)

coordinate systemspherical-geometry

Given a stereographic point P1 projected from point P, and given another point Q, I would like to know how to transform P1's coordinates to that of a stereographic point Q1 projected from point Q.

The Q I'm using is pretty close to P, and the points on the sphere/earth to be projected are pretty near the antipode of P/Q, possibly clustered together, and having a high accuracy on each point in order to differentiate them is important. I'm wondering if a simple adding of an offset value to P1 will provide a good approximation? I need to preserve conformality and relative distances of projected points (since distance is not preserved in a stereographic projection, but I think that relative distances of points are preserved?). P's and Q's latitude and longitude will be known.

2D illustration drawn in paint

Do let me know if this question is better posted at math.stackexchange.com

Best Answer

You appear to be describing rotations of the Riemann Sphere: they are conformal and preserve the spherical metric. There are several simple ways to write them down (not involving any trigonometry!). A good one is to consider coordinates (x,y) in the plane as complex numbers z = x + yI, I^2 = -1. Given any four complex numbers a, b, c, and d, a fractional linear transformation of z is the value (az + b)/(cz + d). Thinking of z as the image of a point on the sphere via stereographic projection, it's easy to work out that for a fractional linear transformation to be a true rotation, a and d must be complex conjugates of each other and b and -c must also be mutual complex conjugates. (This defines the matrix group SU(2,C).)

Let Q be the point (in projected coordinates) you would like to base a new projection on. All we need to do is rotate Q to infinity, because infinity corresponds to the projection's base point (the north pole). This implies the denominator cz + d must equal zero, giving a solution

a = Conjugate of Q,
b = 1,
c = -1,
d = Q.

In other words, the change of coordinates you seek has the formula

z --> (1 + Conjugate(Q)*z) / (Q - z).

As an example, suppose you want to make Q = (5, 5) = 5 + 5I the new origin of projection. Using the rules of complex arithmetic we can work out the transformation in terms of the coordinates (x,y):

z --> (1 + (5 - 5I)*z) / (5 + 5I - z)

 = (1 + (5 - 5I)*(x + yI)) / (5 + 5I - (x + yI))

 = (1 + 5x + 5y + (5y - 5x)I) / (5 - x + (5-y)I)

 = [(5 - x + 50y - 5x^2 - 5y^2) + (-5 - 50x + y + 5x^2 + 5y^2)I]
    / ((5-x)^2 + (5-y)^2).

That is, writing the new coordinates of (x,y) as (x',y'), we have

x' = (5 - x + 50y - 5x^2 - 5y^2) / ((5-x)^2 + (5-y)^2)


y' = (-5 - 50x + y + 5x^2 + 5y^2) / ((5-x)^2 + (5-y)^2).

You can follow this up by any rotation around the origin to reorient the new map. A good choice is to multiply the result by Q/Conjugate(Q) = Q^2 / |Q|^2. This is because the transformation has a nice interpretation:

(1 + Conjugate(Q)*z) / (Q - z) * Q / Conjugate(Q)

= (1/Conjugate(Q) + z) (1 + z/Q + (z/Q)^2 + ...).

The first factor merely translates all points by the (small) amount 1/Conjugate(Q). In particular, this keeps the map oriented correctly. The second factor can be ignored when z/Q is very small. Typically, for small rotations, Q is already "near infinity": that is, it is large compared with any point on the map, because it is the projection a point close to the original north pole. This justifies approximating the change in projection by means of a translation and, in addition, it tells us how to measure the error: the size of z/Q (the first, and largest, neglected term in the series on the right) is the ratio of the sizes of z and Q (that is, the ratio of their distances from the map origin). In other words, when the original projection of Q is way beyond the extent of your map, you will likely be ok with the approximate formula.