[GIS] How to do spatial correlation between two variables on ArcGIS 10.1


I have two raster datasets and I'm trying to determine the extent of their spatial relationship. I suspect they are closely related but I would like to produce a map output to illustrate this relationship.

The datasets are:

1 – a kernel density of prevalence of gambling locations (from their point locations)

2 – a deprivation index by Census Output Area converted to raster.

I don't know if it's best doing this as polygons or as rasters and which technique will provide me with what I want. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can investigate and represent this relationship in Arc?

Best Answer

You might want to consider using some freeware such as GeoDa or Crimstat for running spatial correlation analysis. I found them way more useful than ArcGIS for that type of thing if you're willing to give them a go!

