[GIS] How to disconnect all open GDB locks in ArcMap


I am having trouble releasing GDB locks in ArcMap 9.3.

Does anyone know a way to disconnect from all open GDB connections in ArcMap 9.3.

I could close and re-open arcMap, but that seems to be a little time consuming.

Has anyone made a button to do this?

Best Answer

2 workarounds: assumption here is personal geodatabase (.mdb)

1.delete the .ldb (whilst Arcmap is open - by removing the layers) delete in windows explorer. Then do 'undo' remove layers. search *.ldb for multiple

2.move up a few folder levels in ArcCatalog and Refresh, it will unlock the file and you can edit in ArcMap.

file .gdb [or .mdb] is at c:\work\project\data, if you view the c:\work\ folder and click refresh in ArcCatalog

Schema Locks http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.3/index.cfm?TopicName=Schema%20locking

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