[GIS] How to disable Mouse Wheel zoom functionality in ArcGIS Silverlight


I have an ArcGIS Silverlight app with a Map object. It containes an ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer and a GraphicsLayer. We've written a custom measure tool for adding in a point at an offset on the graphic layer. I am trying to disable the mouse wheel zoom-in/zoom-out function when this tool is activated to prevent the user from being able to zooom while performing a measurement.

I've played around with various combinations of setting the map.IsHitTestVisible = false, graphicLayer.IsHitTestVisible = false, overriding OnMouseWheel(), all with no sucess. It either had no effect, or it disabled ALL mouse events, including the mouse down and mouse move event which I need for the measure tool.

I've read thru the documentation on the MouseWheel but I guess I'm not understanding it correctly. I just can't seem to get it to do what I want. And I can't find any specific examples that do what I want either.

Any suggestions or places I can look to figure this out?

I am using Silverlight 4 and ESRI Silverlight 2.4.

Best Answer

I haven't tried it, but you could try setting the Map's ZoomFactor property to zero 1 (storing the old value) while your measurement tool is active.


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