[GIS] How to digitize rectangles with snapping in QGIS


Trying to digitize a floor plan for a building (just need polygons for each room) in QGIS (shapefile layer). I started just trying to draw the features, but want to align polygons so that there is no gap or overlap. That led me to the Snapping features which helped a lot. But having trouble making sure my rectangles have 90 degree corners.

Then I discovered the rectangles ovals digitizing tool which solves that problem. Unfortunately–it seems to ignore the "snapping" that I got when just drawing features node to node. Is there a way to get both snapping and rectangles in QGIS?

Best Answer

I have had similar issues. One approach I have done is to use the CadInput tool. This tool allows you to draw vectors based on distances, angles, etc. which ensures that when you enter in a new vector, they snap to the point you want. It works with the snapping tolerance that is native within QGIS.


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