[GIS] How to determine elevation of points in shapefile from second shapefile using ArcGIS for Desktop


I am a bit new to ArcGIS and have run into a snag.

I have a series of points in a shapefile that only have x and y coordinates. Additionally I have a series of other points in a separate shapefile that have x, y, and z coordinates. I have added both to a map and have generated contours from the latter of the two files.

My question is: Is it possible to determine the elevations of the points in the first shapefile based on the second shapefile and contours and if so how?

Best Answer

Assuming that the 3D analyst Extension is available, here is how I would solve the problem:

  1. Using the shapefile containing the heights, I would interpolate and create a DEM. There are many tools for this, such as IDW, Spline and Trend, but I would suggest that you use Topo to Raster tool. In My experience, this produces the most realistic output amongst all the tools.

  2. Once you have the DEM raster, use the Extract Values to Points tool, to get the Z values for the input points(the shapefile having only x & y)