[GIS] How to define a bounding box within a WFS-request

mapinfoqgisqgis-2web servicewfs

I need to get some data from via a WFS connection but due to the sheer size of the data, it takes for ever to load into Qgis or MapInfo.

MapInfo has a feature which allows you to restrict the wfs request to 'current mapper' and only get the data the are visible in the current window.

I know, that I am supposed to be able to define the Bounding box withing the WFS-url, but I can't get that working.

Is there anyone out there that knows how to do that?

I hope I made myself clear 🙂

Best Answer

For WFS requests with BBOX you need minimum MapInfo v11.5.2 and your WFS service needs to be v1.1.0

  1. Open new mapper window and zoom in area of interest (this would be approx. bbox coordinates)
  2. Open Web Service/Open WFS...
  3. Choose your server
  4. Now you're in Open WFS Table window. Choose a table.
  5. Click on Row Filter... in Data Filters section of that window
  6. Now you're in Row Picker window. Choose your column that represent geometry objects (SP_GEOMETRY for example). After that you will get a list of operators and choose ogc:BBOX. Value will be CURRENT_MAPPER which is what we want , OK ? If you have selected some polygon feature in a first step, you will also have SELECTION as a value (then BBOX is calculated from selected polygon).

enter image description here

After this all you need is to do few OK's and that is it.

Also please note that WFS service could be limited (for example: maximum number of features returned is 500).

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