[GIS] How to create Network Dataset for Network Assistant using ArcPy


Is it possible to create a network dataset with ArcPy to be used with the network assistant?

In the documentation I found the Build Network and Dissolve Network functions, but it looks like both require an already existing network dataset as input parameter.

In this thread people say it is not possible with Python but with .NET. In this thread, somebody says it is possible to create geometric networks with arcpy in 10.1. Is it possible to use a geometric network with the network assistant?

In the documentation it says: Only point and line feature classes are supported as input. The feature classes cannot participate in another geometric network or other advanced geodatabase dataset such as a topology, network dataset, terrain, or fabric.

Best Answer

You cannot create a network dataset with arcpy at this time. Your option is to use ArcObjects. There is a Street Data Processing toolbox that is built on .NET by Esri (the source code is provided), which you might modify to meet your business workflows. A GP tool which is part of the toolbox creates a network dataset with certain user-defined parameters, so this should work fine for you too.

Geometric networks and network datasets are not the same thing and you cannot create a network dataset from a geometric network in ArcGIS. The only option is to use ArcObjects at this time.

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