[GIS] How to create multiple points inside polygon in QGIS


How do I generate five random points within each of three polygons with a minimum distance of 100m? I am using QGIS 2.18.4 and 'Random Points Inside Polygons (Fixed)' Sampling Strategy 'Point Count' 5 and min dist 100. I am currently only returning a single random point in each polygon rather than 5. There is plenty of space in each polygon to locate 5 points with >100m between. Additional information: Project and Polygon are EPSG:28356, unit set to meters.

Best Answer

I would guess that your polygon layer originally was not saved with the EPSG:28356 CRS but that you set it manually.

Most likely the polygon layer was orignally saved with another CRS using degrees as units.

I did a quick test using polygons with a CRS of EPSG:4326 (i.e. using degrees as units) and using your exact parameters for the Random Points Inside Polygons (Fixed) tool:


I then right-clicked the Polygons layer, chose the Save As... option, assigned a new CRS which uses meters (i.e. EPSG:28356) and again repeated the same steps. This is the result:


So try saving your polygon layer into a new shapefile with the relevant CRS and run the tool again.

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