[GIS] How to create correct vector grid in meter


I want to create a vector grid, with squares of 100x100m but have some serious trouble in solving this apparently easy task. I already read all the posts, but didn't find a good solution. Here is what I tried:

  1. Using the research > vector grid tool: I always fail to have the right X and Y Values, it is never 100m, even if I have "m" as my default length.I need 100m but it says always something around 59,… if i measure it with the measurement tool. and also the vertical length seems to be slightly bigger than the horizontal length.

  2. Using processing tools: create grid – I have the same problem with length.

  3. Using the MMQGIS create Grid tool: Same problem as 1 and 2.

how can I change the way i calculates distances? I think I have to look somewhere else, but dont know where.

FYI: Running system is Win 8, 64 bit, QGIS Version 2.4,

Best Answer

Any rectilinear CRS (coordinate reference system) will do--if the units are in feet you can just convert to meters. When you use a geographic projection the units are in degrees, which is what is screwing you up. spatialreference.org is a good source for information on different CRS's... I'd pick one out for you but I don't know where your focus area is.

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