QGIS – How to Create a Valid QgsVectorLayer from DelimitedText


I am having trouble loading csv files into layers using QgsVectorLayer().

I know this looks like a repeat, but I have carefully read

Create a script to add delimited text layer in QGIS



but still cannot get it work.

An example of my data file, test.csv:


My code:

import os
import urllib

import pathlib
from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer

local_path = 'C:\dev\FCMS_conflation\data\TMC_nodes.csv'
node_layer = 'test'

abspath = os.path.abspath(local_path)
params = {'delimiter': ',',
          'decimalPoint': '.',
          'xField': longitude,
          'yField': latitude}

uri = "%s?%s" %(pathlib.Path(abspath).as_uri(), urllib.unquote(urllib.urlencode(params)))

layer = QgsVectorLayer(uri, node_layer, "delimitedtext")

The formatted URI looks like:

[] uri
>>> 'file:///C:/dev/FCMS_conflation/data/TMC_nodes.csv?decimalPoint=.&delimiter=,&xField=longitude&yField=latitude'

I have tried many variations of the parameters, including the crs and type. But no matter what I try, I cannot create a valid layer.

[] layer.isValid()
>>> False

I have verified that I can add the file using the QGIS gui. I even tried using the uri provided by layer.metadata from within the Python plugin.

I am using QGIS 2.10.1 on Windows 7 64-bit machine.

Best Answer

It seems you need to set the QGIS prefix path, as I explain in Loading raster layer using PyQGIS? and Failed to create memory layers in QGIS application on Linux

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