[GIS] How to create a .prj file with the following projection parameters

arcgis-desktopcoordinate system

I have received shape files that are missing .prj files. The documentation for the shape files describes the projection system as Lambert Conformal Conic and provides the following "Projection parameters".

Projection parameters :

Projection geographic
units dd
projection Lambert
spheroid everest
units meters
23 09 00
28 48 00
90 00 00
26 00 00

Can anyone tell me how I can translate these parameters into a usable .prj file?

As is probably clear from my question, I have a very weak (or no) grasp of of projections and spatial references.

Best Answer

A Lambert conformal Conic projection in ArcGIS desktop, requires the following parameters:

False Easting
False Northing
Central Meridian
Standard Parallel 1
Standard Parallel 2
Scale factor
Latitude of origin

Now once we know which parameter is which, we can create a projection file as required.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In ArcCatalog, right click on your shapefile and go to XY Coordinate system.
  2. We cannot directly create a new projection, but we can modify an existing projection.
  3. Hence click on select.
  4. Navigate to Projected Coordinate System>>Continental>.Asia>>Asia Lambert Conformal Conic.
  5. Press 'Add'
  6. Click on 'Modify'
  7. You can then edit the parameters one by one by looking at the metadata.