[GIS] How to create a new Shapefile with the same attributes as an existing one


It is quite a frequent occurrence that I want the data I'm about to add to a new shapefile, to have all the same attribute fields as one I created in a previous project.

For example, I might have previously mapped all the fence lines in a filed and recorded their attributes – fence type, condition, wire, length, height, etc.

I then want to produce the same sort of survey for a different client. I just want my 'fence' layer to look exactly the same as the 'fence' layer on the previous project, same style, same labels, same fields, but the only thing I can save seems to be the style.

Could anyone help with the best way to do this?

Best Answer

You can take the layer you created for the first client, save it as a different-named shapefile, and then delete all the features in it.