[GIS] How to create a MultiLineString feature with a postgis layer in QGIS


I have troubles handling with MultiLineStrings in QGIS.

I added the table where I defined a column as geometry(MultiLineString, 31468) as a postgis layer in QGIS. Now I want to create features with multiple linestrings.
When I finish to create the feature (with right click), then I have to insert an id (which is a value for another column in the table). So I have to create the next linestring feature and to assign the same id, to have a kind of a multiple linestring.

id  |  geom
1   |  "linestring1"
1   |  "linestring2" 

I think this is not a proper way to work with multilinestrings!?

I want to have this:

  id  |  geom
  1   |  "linestring1" and "linestring2"

How can I create a MultiLineString in QGIS/postgis like this?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Select features in QGIS and click Merge Selected Features button on Advanced Digitizing toolbar.

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