[GIS] How to create a linestring from a geopandas data frame


I am trying to create a linestring from a geopandas dataframe with points as geometries

date_time   latitude    longitude   year    data01  hour    minute  data02
0   2019-11-08 08:21:38 36.830444   -2.466583   2019    312 8   21  0
1   2019-11-08 08:32:15 36.830250   -2.466611   2019    312 8   32  0
2   2019-11-08 08:41:51 36.830417   -2.466778   2019    312 8   41  0
3   2019-11-08 08:51:53 36.830361   -2.466833   2019    312 8   51  0
4   2019-11-08 09:01:50 36.830528   -2.466806   2019    312 9   1   0

using the this code:

    date_time   latitude    longitude   year    data01  hour    minute  data02  geometry
0   2019-11-08 08:21:38 36.830444   -2.466583   2019    312 8   21  0   POINT (-2.466583 36.830444)
1   2019-11-08 08:32:15 36.830250   -2.466611   2019    312 8   32  0   POINT (-2.466611 36.83025)
2   2019-11-08 08:41:51 36.830417   -2.466778   2019    312 8   41  0   POINT (-2.466778 36.830417)
3   2019-11-08 08:51:53 36.830361   -2.466833   2019    312 8   51  0   POINT (-2.466833 36.830361)
4   2019-11-08 09:01:50 36.830528   -2.466806   2019    312 9   1   0   POINT (-2.466806 36.830528)

geo_df = geo_df.groupby(['date_time'])['geometry'].apply(lambda x: LineString(x.tolist()))
geo_df = GeoDataFrame(geo_df, geometry='geometry')

Error: ValueError: LineStrings must have at least 2 coordinate tuples

How can I do that ? or can I create the linestring using just the latitude and longitude columns?

Even if use geopandas to convert to linestring geometry the columns look no good for that

geometry = [LineString(xy) for xy in zip(df.longitude, df.latitude)]
geo_df = GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=geometry)

 ValueError: Input (-2.466583, 36.830444) is the wrong shape for a LineString

Best Answer

With all your solutions, you try to create a LineString with only one point

Since all the dates (hours) are different:

geo_df = geo_df.groupby(['date_time'])
print("number of groups:", geo_df.ngroups)
number of groups: 5 # and 5 original geometries
for group in gdf.groupby(['date_time']).geometry:
(Timestamp('2019-11-08 08:21:38'), 0    POINT (-2.466583 36.830444)
 Name: geometry, dtype: object)
(Timestamp('2019-11-08 08:32:15'), 1    POINT (-2.466611 36.83025)
Name: geometry, dtype: object)
(Timestamp('2019-11-08 08:41:51'), 2    POINT (-2.466778 36.830417)
Name: geometry, dtype: object)
(Timestamp('2019-11-08 08:51:53'), 3    POINT (-2.466833 36.830361)
Name: geometry, dtype: object)
(Timestamp('2019-11-08 09:01:50'), 4    POINT (-2.466806 36.830528)
Name: geometry, dtype: object)

Only one point per group -> Error: ValueError: LineStrings must have at least 2 coordinate tuples)


geometry = [xy for xy in zip(df.longitude, df.latitude)]
[(-2.466583, 36.830444), (-2.466611, 36.83025), (-2.4667779999999997, 36.830417), (-2.4668330000000003, 36.830360999999996), (-2.466806, 36.830528)
# geometry is a list of point coordinates
'POINT (-2.466583 36.830444)'

ValueError: Input (-2.466583, 36.830444) is the wrong shape for a LineString

And I suppose you want to create a line with all the points, therefore

 LINESTRING (-2.466583 36.830444, -2.466611 36.83025, -2.466778 36.830417, -2.466833 36.830361, -2.466806 36.830528)

or directly

LINESTRING (-2.466583 36.830444, -2.466611 36.83025, -2.466778 36.830417, -2.466833 36.830361, -2.466806 36.830528) 

If you want to use groupby to create separate lines choose another column to regroup (look at Turning GeoDataFrame of x,y coordinates into Linestrings using GROUPBY? or Convert Points to Lines Geopandas)

with data02 modified (2 groups, 0 and 1)

2019-11-08 08:21:38,36.830444,-2.466583,   2019,    312, 8 ,  21 , 0 ,  POINT (-2.466583 36.830444)
2019-11-08 08:32:15,36.830250,-2.466611,   2019,    312, 8  , 32,  0,   POINT (-2.466611 36.83025)
2019-11-08 08:41:51 ,36.830417,-2.466778,   2019,    312, 8 ,  41 , 1 ,  POINT (-2.466778 36.830417)
2019-11-08 08:51:53 ,36.830361,-2.466833,   2019,    312, 8,   51,  1 ,  POINT (-2.466833 36.830361)
2019-11-08 09:01:50, 36.830528, -2.466806,   2019,    312, 9 ,  1  , 1,   POINT (-2.466806 36.830528)

list(geo_df.groupby(['data02'])['geometry'].apply(lambda x: LineString(x.tolist())))
[<shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString object at 0x11bc81668>, <shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString object at 0x11bc81400>]