[GIS] How to create a button in ArcGIS and have it run code


I'm brand new to ArcGIS and have only a year or two of programming experience. I know Java and a little C#. I have a Java app that processes geographical data. I need to have a button in ArcMap that, when you click it, sends map data to this Java app.

This task was already implemented in VBA; it's my job to translate it to something else since VBA is no longer supported in ArcGIS. Any thoughts on how to accomplish this?

I'm not sure where to begin. I'm guessing either using the embedded Python console or the ArcObjects SDK for Java or .NET. Just want to see what someone with experience would recommend.

Best Answer

You can certainly do this using Python now in ArcGIS 10.1. Have a look at Python Add-Ins. You will also want to look at Creating a Python Add-In Button.

Hope this helps.

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