[GIS] How to create 3D water depth with ArcScene


I was trying to visualize flood depth in 3D using ArcScene. What I had for this purposes are:

  1. high-resolution DTM of the valley
  2. orthophoto and
  3. Raster with flood depth information.

I have draped the orthophoto over the DTM and it looks like as follows:

enter image description here

Then I draped orthophoto over it:

enter image description here

Finally I overlayed flood map on top of orthophoto:
enter image description here

My question is , is there any way to visualize flood water in 3D with height. it looks like Flood depth raster only touches the base of the DTM. But I need to incorporate DTM + raster height in Flood depth map . How can I do it ?

Best Answer

I would use this approach:

  1. Add flood deep to DTM to create a new surface raster (use Plus (3D Analyst) tool). enter image description here

  2. Drape the flood raster to the new surface.

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